Take This into Your Tourism Factory: Interactive Design and Digital Transformation!|KingOne Design





Take This into Your Tourism Factory: Interactive Design and Digital Transformation!

2022. Jan. 5507ag九游会登录j9入口 Design Senior Editor


Taiwan has been undergoing industry transformation over 20 year, in which you will see one specific type of new business model rising: TOURISM FACTORY! The makeover, the interactive AR/VR activities, and heart-warming tour all bring the traditional factory into a customer-centered market now! And here we are going deep into the digital transformation side of tourism factory and show some successful examples to inspire you!

Sightseeing factory, Sightseeing factory design, Sightseeing factory planning, Sightseeing factory park planning and design
Sightseeing factory, Sightseeing factory design, Sightseeing factory planning, Sightseeing factory park planning and design
Sightseeing factory, Sightseeing factory design, Sightseeing factory planning, Sightseeing factory park planning and design
Sightseeing factory, Sightseeing factory design, Sightseeing factory planning, Sightseeing factory park planning and design
Tourist factory, tourist factory design, tourist factory planning, tourist factory park planning and design, AR, VR, interactive design
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ag九游会登录j9入口 Design Senior Editor

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